Hi Everyone!
I hope you had a great Holiday break! Just letting you know that all things CU are starting back in Oweek and then we’ll be kicking off main meetings in Week 1. If you’re new to uni we’d love to meet you at Market day (Tues Feb 21) or during lunchtimes in the SU. All O’week details here!
Our main public meetings are held on Tuesdays in the Circular Lecture Theatre.
Here’s the rundown…
5:00-6:00 Main meeting with Bible Talk,Q&A time, workshop groups.
6:00 $5 Dinner!
After Dinner – Hang out if you’re keen!
This semester we’ll be hearing God’s word about His Son in the book of John and seeing how Jesus gives us what we’re truly searching for in life. Jesus is the one who gives us grace, forgiveness, hope and so much more. We’d love for all to come along and be a part of learning more about Jesus and how he might be the answer to what you’re searching for. Please do invite your friends along!
2) CU Discipleship Groups – During the Week
We are a group that is really keen to have good and supportive discipleship groups at Uni where we read the Bible together and pray for each other, our friends and our uni. We will be starting theses groups in week 2 so please get in touch if you’re keen your join one!