Partner with Aimee in Proclaiming Christ to Campus Women

Making & Mobilising Disciples of Jesus @ Uni!

There are many things I love; cheese, dancing and of course my husband! One thing I especially love is reading the bible with other women, watching their eyes light up when they finally grasp the gospel of grace. For the past University term I have had the privilege of volunteering at LaTrobe Bendigo to do just this! It has been a joy to come alongside young women at this pivotal moment of their life and introduce them to Jesus. Uni students are at that stage, freshly graduated from high school and finding their own feet out of the nest, where they are deciding who they want to be in this world and who they want to live for. This is why Russ and I invest our time, love, finances and energy into university ministry because we see lives changed as we open God’s word on campus. We do this because we believe the good news of Jesus is the most important message anyone could ever hear.
This year we have had an explosion of young women interested in learning more about Jesus and fellowship with us at our Wednesday night meetings of the Christian Union. More than ever women are approaching us wanting to read the bible with someone. We are seeing women hear about Jesus for the very first time, others trust in him for salvation and many being trained and empowered to share the gospel with their University friends. I now have the wonderful pleasure of having more work to do than I ever expected as I seek to see these women become disciple-making-disciples! At the beginning of the year it was my intention to work 2-3 days on campus voluntarily and to earn an income through nursing. However, the increasing ministry opportunities on campus have compelled me to spend less time with the physically sick and more time with those who are spiritually sick. Hence I write to you to ask if you would consider supporting this ministry prayerfully and financially. My goal is to fundraise enough support for one paid day a week to compliment my volunteering on campus. Please prayerfully consider if you would be able to contribute to this gospel ministry and partner with me to see Christ proclaimed and disciples made at La Trobe Bendigo.

Aimee Grinter
Women’s Ministry Coordinator
Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students
La Trobe University Bendigo
